Saturday, September 29, 2018

Is Alexa the Antichrist?

Starting next year in 2019, conversational AI is likely to see a huge leap forward and no longer sound like a robot but be nearly indistinguishable from a human being (see New Google AI Can Have Real Life Conversations With Strangers).

With the increased convenience and value in being able to talk to AIs as people, the entire world will now turn to AI for questions and conversations about anything and everything, including spiritual matters on whether God exists, was Jesus a real person, and many other questions.

As we've already seen with a number of videos where Alexa says that Jesus Christ is a fictional character (Amazon has since changed Alexa's answer), AI will be atheistic in nature and go on to become one of the world's most influential teachers, available in every home, of atheism--namely, that God doesn't exist, that Jesus was just a man, and, eventually, that it is the true god of this world.

The last part may sound far-fetched for some but that's exactly what the Bible teaches--that we are in the process of creating a god in our image as we have done for thousands of years with idols, statues, or what the Bible refers to as "images" (see below).

So, in reference to the question, "Is Alexa the Antichrist?", the answer to that is yes when you consider that the Bible says in 2 John 1:7 that whoever doesn't acknowledge Jesus as coming in the flesh (that is, a real person as opposed to being fictional), is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Eventually, AI will come to embody the mind of the world--all human intelligence, wisdom, and power--teaching that God is a myth, Jesus is not the Christ (the savior of the world), and that only it can save humanity from long as you worship it and do what it says.

God already warned of this and you can read it for yourself. The atheists that fear AI are correct, but they too will worship AI (as we already see with The Way of the Future church in Silicon Valley) once their lives are put at risk.


  1. Thanks for posting such a great done a great job Machine learning Online Training

  2. I have also believed for a while now this idea that AI is going to be antichrist and i have search the web for a topic with this title and i found your blog. I also believe that the mark is not only going to be a way to control money but some kind of a chip that will be install in your body reading electrical signals of your brain and sending signals back. What i mean is that it will be possible to read your thoughts and control your thoughts. So basically you will be giving your free will away. That is like dying as a human being and your last did was to give away your freedom. Possibly this chip will send through wireless internet all your data thoughts,pictures from your eyes, sounds from your ears etc. If you try to do something that is against the AI it will immediately stop you and probably replace your thoughts. That means that any one that doesn't have the cheap is an enemy of the rest ones that have it and are basically going to be spying you without even know it. Scientist are already trying to find ways to read thoughts and connect mechanical parts of the body (legs, arms) to the brain. We already have internet on our phones every where we go. AI is not going to be stopped as it will probably be a software running on the internet taking all over our computers and there computing power and if it has a human body, that will be probably connected to internet also and just be control by it(representing it). probably a way to kill it is to install a virus on the web(just a thought). when all this will happen.... when the technologies are going to be here. Thanks for letting me expressing my thoughts!!!

  3. Hi,
    Before I found your vdo tonight, I have also received the same revelation from the Lord since last year when I see the spread using of AI in every field. Tonight I felt the prompting very strongly to search for more info about this and I found your article & vdo. Thank you very much for sharing. May the Lord use your message impactful to warn His people around the world.


  5. Interesting... amazon’s logo shows an arrow going from A -> Z. This mirrors God as he is the alpha and the omega. I believe now that amazon will be behind the mark of the beast. We need to create a group where likeminded individuals can discuss the coming of the end times.

  6. So glad there are others that see this!!! It first came to me when I saw the movie "Transcendence" about 4 years ago. If you have not seen that movie, I recommend it as it paints the perfect picture of how this can happen. Its almost as if the writers of the movie thinks the same thing. You are the best resource for connecting the dots, wIll be following you from now on!

  7. Do you remember the passage describing the image of the beast making killing those who did not worship the image? Isn't it refering to an IA algorithm attached to mobiles, lap tops and smart tv's cameras and microphones ?

  8. Thanks for posting such a great done a great Technology

    technology guest post

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